Hướng dẫn cài json sever json-sever(ok)


First, you need to check json-server installed globally or not. or you can install it globally by

npm install -g json-server

If you install it locally in your project, use npx to run it

npx json-server --watch db.json


npm install -g json-server
Create a db.json file with some data
  "posts": [
    { "id": 1, "title": "json-server", "author": "typicode" }
  "comments": [
    { "id": 1, "body": "some comment", "postId": 1 }
  "profile": { "name": "typicode" }

json-server --watch db.json
Now if you go to http://localhost:3000/posts/1, you'll get
{ "id": 1, "title": "json-server", "author": "typicode" }

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