Sử dụng database + php (ok)
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$sql="SELECT id,nombre from t_paises";
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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="select2/select2.min.css">
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.js"></script>
<script src="select2/select2.min.js"></script>
<section style="text-align: center;">
<select id="controlBuscador" style="width: 50%">
<?php while ($ver=mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {?>
<option value="<?php echo $ver[0] ?>">
<?php echo $ver[1] ?>
<?php } ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Tutorial selectDB remote ajax using jquery,php and mysql by seegatesite.com</title>
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/select2/4.0.3/css/select2.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<select class="select2"></select>
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<script type="text/javascript">
placeholder: "Search country here...",
width: '175px',
ajax: {
url: "ajax.php",
dataType: 'json',
delay: 250,
data: function(params) {
return {
q: params.term,
page: params.page
processResults: function(data, params) {
params.page = params.page || 1;
return {
results: data.items,
pagination: {
more: (params.page * 3) < data.total_count
cache: false
minimumInputLength: 1,
templateResult: formatRepo,
templateSelection: formatRepoSelection
function formatRepo(repo) {
if(repo.loading) return repo.text;
return repo.desc;
function formatRepoSelection(repo) {
return repo.desc || repo.text;
$dbuserx = 'root';
$dbpassx = '';
class dbconn {
public $dblocal;
public function __construct() {}
public function initDBO() {
global $dbuserx, $dbpassx;
try {
$this->dblocal = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=selectdb;charset=latin1", $dbuserx, $dbpassx, [PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true]);
$this->dblocal->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
die("Tidak dapat konek ke database");
class sql extends dbconn {
public function __construct() {
public function getAllCountry($term) {
$term = '%' . $term . '%';
$db = $this->dblocal;
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT a.* FROM country a WHERE a.country_name LIKE :term OR a.country_code LIKE :term ");
$stmt->bindParam("term", $term);
$stat[0] = true;
$stat[1] = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $stat;
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
$stat[0] = false;
$stat[1] = $ex->getMessage();
return $stat;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
require_once "dbconn.php";
require_once "sql.php";
$term = trim(strip_tags($_GET['q']));
$sql = new sql();
$countrylist = $sql->getAllCountry($term);
$country = [];
$i = 0;
foreach ($countrylist[1] as $key) {
$countrylist[1][$i]['desc'] = $key['country_code'] . ' - ' . $key['country_name'];
$countrylist[1][$i]['id'] = $key['country_code'];
$country['items'] = $countrylist[1];
echo json_encode($country);
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$(document).ready(function() {
// Static dropd down
//Ajax array example
placeholder: 'Select an item',
theme: "material",
allowClear: true,
ajax: {
url: 'ajax.php?filter=yes',
dataType: 'json',
delay: 250,
processResults: function(data) {
return {
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cache: true
// Filter from database
placeholder: 'Select an item',
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allowClear: true,
ajax: {
url: 'ajax.php?filterDB=yes',
dataType: 'json',
delay: 250,
data: function(params) {
return {
q: params.term
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return {
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<h1>Welcome to Demo Page </h1><br />
<p> Static Example </p>
<select class="static form-control" style="width:500px" name="itemName">
<option value="0"> None </option>
<option value="1"> One </option>
<option value="2"> Two </option>
<option value="3"> Three </option>
<option value="4"> Four </option>
<option value="5"> Five </option>
<option value="6"> Six </option>
<option value="7"> Seven </option>
<p> Ajax PHP from array </p>
<select class="itemName form-control" style="width:500px" name="itemName"></select>
<p> Select2 Search from database table</p>
<select class="FilterDB form-control" style="width:500px" name="FilterDB"></select>
$array = array(
array('id' => '1','iso' => 'AD','local_name' => 'Andorra'),
array('id' => '2','iso' => 'AE','local_name' => 'United Arab Emirates'),
array('id' => '3','iso' => 'AF','local_name' => 'Afghanistan'),
array('id' => '4','iso' => 'AG','local_name' => 'Antigua and Barbuda'),
array('id' => '5','iso' => 'AI','local_name' => 'Anguilla'),
array('id' => '6','iso' => 'AL','local_name' => 'Albania'),
array('id' => '7','iso' => 'AM','local_name' => 'Armenia'),
array('id' => '8','iso' => 'AN','local_name' => 'Netherlands Antilles'),
array('id' => '9','iso' => 'AO','local_name' => 'Angola'),
array('id' => '10','iso' => 'AQ','local_name' => 'Antarctica'),
array('id' => '11','iso' => 'AR','local_name' => 'Argentina'),
array('id' => '12','iso' => 'AS','local_name' => 'American Samoa'),
array('id' => '13','iso' => 'AT','local_name' => 'Austria'),
array('id' => '14','iso' => 'AU','local_name' => 'Australia'),
array('id' => '15','iso' => 'AW','local_name' => 'Aruba'),
array('id' => '16','iso' => 'AX','local_name' => 'Aland Islands'),
array('id' => '17','iso' => 'AZ','local_name' => 'Azerbaijan'),
array('id' => '18','iso' => 'BA','local_name' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'),
array('id' => '19','iso' => 'BB','local_name' => 'Barbados'),
array('id' => '20','iso' => 'BD','local_name' => 'Bangladesh'),
array('id' => '21','iso' => 'BE','local_name' => 'Belgium'),
array('id' => '22','iso' => 'BF','local_name' => 'Burkina Faso'),
array('id' => '23','iso' => 'BG','local_name' => 'Bulgaria'),
array('id' => '24','iso' => 'BH','local_name' => 'Bahrain'),
array('id' => '25','iso' => 'BI','local_name' => 'Burundi'),
array('id' => '26','iso' => 'BJ','local_name' => 'Benin'),
array('id' => '27','iso' => 'BL','local_name' => 'Saint Barthlemy'),
array('id' => '28','iso' => 'BM','local_name' => 'Bermuda'),
array('id' => '29','iso' => 'BN','local_name' => 'Brunei Darussalam'),
array('id' => '30','iso' => 'BO','local_name' => 'BoliviaBolivia, Plurinational state of'),
array('id' => '31','iso' => 'BR','local_name' => 'Brazil'),
array('id' => '32','iso' => 'BS','local_name' => 'Bahamas'),
array('id' => '33','iso' => 'BT','local_name' => 'Bhutan'),
array('id' => '34','iso' => 'BV','local_name' => 'Bouvet Island'),
array('id' => '35','iso' => 'BW','local_name' => 'Botswana'),
array('id' => '36','iso' => 'BY','local_name' => 'Belarus'),
array('id' => '37','iso' => 'BZ','local_name' => 'Belize'),
array('id' => '38','iso' => 'CA','local_name' => 'Canada'),
array('id' => '39','iso' => 'CC','local_name' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands'),
array('id' => '40','iso' => 'CD','local_name' => 'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the'),
array('id' => '41','iso' => 'CF','local_name' => 'Central African Republic'),
array('id' => '42','iso' => 'CG','local_name' => 'Congo'),
array('id' => '43','iso' => 'CH','local_name' => 'Switzerland'),
array('id' => '45','iso' => 'CK','local_name' => 'Cook Islands'),
array('id' => '46','iso' => 'CL','local_name' => 'Chile'),
array('id' => '47','iso' => 'CM','local_name' => 'Cameroon'),
array('id' => '48','iso' => 'CN','local_name' => 'China'),
array('id' => '49','iso' => 'CO','local_name' => 'Colombia'),
array('id' => '50','iso' => 'CR','local_name' => 'Costa Rica'),
array('id' => '51','iso' => 'CU','local_name' => 'Cuba'),
array('id' => '52','iso' => 'CV','local_name' => 'Cape Verde'),
array('id' => '53','iso' => 'CX','local_name' => 'Christmas Island'),
array('id' => '54','iso' => 'CY','local_name' => 'Cyprus'),
array('id' => '55','iso' => 'CZ','local_name' => 'Czech Republic'),
array('id' => '56','iso' => 'DE','local_name' => 'Germany'),
array('id' => '57','iso' => 'DJ','local_name' => 'Djibouti'),
array('id' => '58','iso' => 'DK','local_name' => 'Denmark'),
array('id' => '59','iso' => 'DM','local_name' => 'Dominica'),
array('id' => '60','iso' => 'DO','local_name' => 'Dominican Republic'),
array('id' => '61','iso' => 'DZ','local_name' => 'Algeria'),
array('id' => '62','iso' => 'EC','local_name' => 'Ecuador'),
array('id' => '63','iso' => 'EE','local_name' => 'Estonia'),
array('id' => '64','iso' => 'EG','local_name' => 'Egypt'),
array('id' => '65','iso' => 'EH','local_name' => 'Western Sahara'),
array('id' => '66','iso' => 'ER','local_name' => 'Eritrea'),
array('id' => '67','iso' => 'ES','local_name' => 'Spain'),
array('id' => '68','iso' => 'ET','local_name' => 'Ethiopia'),
array('id' => '69','iso' => 'FI','local_name' => 'Finland'),
array('id' => '70','iso' => 'FJ','local_name' => 'Fiji'),
array('id' => '71','iso' => 'FK','local_name' => 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'),
array('id' => '72','iso' => 'FM','local_name' => 'Micronesia, Federated States of'),
array('id' => '73','iso' => 'FO','local_name' => 'Faroe Islands'),
array('id' => '74','iso' => 'FR','local_name' => 'France'),
array('id' => '75','iso' => 'GA','local_name' => 'Gabon'),
array('id' => '76','iso' => 'GB','local_name' => 'United Kingdom'),
array('id' => '77','iso' => 'GD','local_name' => 'Grenada'),
array('id' => '78','iso' => 'GE','local_name' => 'Georgia'),
array('id' => '79','iso' => 'GF','local_name' => 'French Guiana'),
array('id' => '80','iso' => 'GG','local_name' => 'Guernsey'),
array('id' => '81','iso' => 'GH','local_name' => 'Ghana'),
array('id' => '82','iso' => 'GI','local_name' => 'Gibraltar'),
array('id' => '83','iso' => 'GL','local_name' => 'Greenland'),
array('id' => '84','iso' => 'GM','local_name' => 'Gambia'),
array('id' => '85','iso' => 'GN','local_name' => 'Guinea'),
array('id' => '86','iso' => 'GP','local_name' => 'Guadeloupe'),
array('id' => '87','iso' => 'GQ','local_name' => 'Equatorial Guinea'),
array('id' => '88','iso' => 'GR','local_name' => 'Greece'),
array('id' => '89','iso' => 'GS','local_name' => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands'),
array('id' => '90','iso' => 'GT','local_name' => 'Guatemala'),
array('id' => '91','iso' => 'GU','local_name' => 'Guam'),
array('id' => '92','iso' => 'GW','local_name' => 'Guinea-Bissau'),
array('id' => '93','iso' => 'GY','local_name' => 'Guyana'),
array('id' => '94','iso' => 'HK','local_name' => 'Hong Kong'),
array('id' => '95','iso' => 'HM','local_name' => 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands'),
array('id' => '96','iso' => 'HN','local_name' => 'Honduras'),
array('id' => '97','iso' => 'HR','local_name' => 'Croatia'),
array('id' => '98','iso' => 'HT','local_name' => 'Haiti'),
array('id' => '99','iso' => 'HU','local_name' => 'Hungary'),
array('id' => '100','iso' => 'ID','local_name' => 'Indonesia'),
array('id' => '101','iso' => 'IE','local_name' => 'Ireland'),
array('id' => '102','iso' => 'IL','local_name' => 'Israel'),
array('id' => '103','iso' => 'IM','local_name' => 'Isle of Man'),
array('id' => '104','iso' => 'IN','local_name' => 'India'),
array('id' => '105','iso' => 'IO','local_name' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory'),
array('id' => '106','iso' => 'IQ','local_name' => 'Iraq'),
array('id' => '107','iso' => 'IR','local_name' => 'Iran, Islamic Republic of'),
array('id' => '108','iso' => 'IS','local_name' => 'Iceland'),
array('id' => '109','iso' => 'IT','local_name' => 'Italy'),
array('id' => '110','iso' => 'JE','local_name' => 'Jersey'),
array('id' => '111','iso' => 'JM','local_name' => 'Jamaica'),
array('id' => '112','iso' => 'JO','local_name' => 'Jordan'),
array('id' => '113','iso' => 'JP','local_name' => 'Japan'),
array('id' => '114','iso' => 'KE','local_name' => 'Kenya'),
array('id' => '115','iso' => 'KG','local_name' => 'Kyrgyzstan'),
array('id' => '116','iso' => 'KH','local_name' => 'Cambodia'),
array('id' => '117','iso' => 'KI','local_name' => 'Kiribati'),
array('id' => '118','iso' => 'KM','local_name' => 'Comoros'),
array('id' => '119','iso' => 'KN','local_name' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis'),
array('id' => '120','iso' => 'KP','local_name' => 'Korea, Democratic People's Republic of'),
array('id' => '121','iso' => 'KR','local_name' => 'Korea, Republic of'),
array('id' => '122','iso' => 'KW','local_name' => 'Kuwait'),
array('id' => '123','iso' => 'KY','local_name' => 'Cayman Islands'),
array('id' => '124','iso' => 'KZ','local_name' => 'Kazakhstan'),
array('id' => '125','iso' => 'LA','local_name' => 'Lao People's Democratic Republic'),
array('id' => '126','iso' => 'LB','local_name' => 'Lebanon'),
array('id' => '127','iso' => 'LC','local_name' => 'Saint Lucia'),
array('id' => '128','iso' => 'LI','local_name' => 'Liechtenstein'),
array('id' => '129','iso' => 'LK','local_name' => 'Sri Lanka'),
array('id' => '130','iso' => 'LR','local_name' => 'Liberia'),
array('id' => '131','iso' => 'LS','local_name' => 'Lesotho'),
array('id' => '132','iso' => 'LT','local_name' => 'Lithuania'),
array('id' => '133','iso' => 'LU','local_name' => 'Luxembourg'),
array('id' => '134','iso' => 'LV','local_name' => 'Latvia'),
array('id' => '135','iso' => 'LY','local_name' => 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya'),
array('id' => '136','iso' => 'MA','local_name' => 'Morocco'),
array('id' => '137','iso' => 'MC','local_name' => 'Monaco'),
array('id' => '138','iso' => 'MD','local_name' => 'Moldova, Republic of'),
array('id' => '139','iso' => 'ME','local_name' => 'Montenegro'),
array('id' => '140','iso' => 'MF','local_name' => 'Saint Martin'),
array('id' => '141','iso' => 'MG','local_name' => 'Madagascar'),
array('id' => '142','iso' => 'MH','local_name' => 'Marshall Islands'),
array('id' => '143','iso' => 'MK','local_name' => 'Macedonia'),
array('id' => '144','iso' => 'ML','local_name' => 'Mali'),
array('id' => '145','iso' => 'MM','local_name' => 'Myanmar'),
array('id' => '146','iso' => 'MN','local_name' => 'Mongolia'),
array('id' => '147','iso' => 'MO','local_name' => 'Macao'),
array('id' => '148','iso' => 'MP','local_name' => 'Northern Mariana Islands'),
array('id' => '149','iso' => 'MQ','local_name' => 'Martinique'),
array('id' => '150','iso' => 'MR','local_name' => 'Mauritania'),
array('id' => '151','iso' => 'MS','local_name' => 'Montserrat'),
array('id' => '152','iso' => 'MT','local_name' => 'Malta'),
array('id' => '153','iso' => 'MU','local_name' => 'Mauritius'),
array('id' => '154','iso' => 'MV','local_name' => 'Maldives'),
array('id' => '155','iso' => 'MW','local_name' => 'Malawi'),
array('id' => '156','iso' => 'MX','local_name' => 'Mexico'),
array('id' => '157','iso' => 'MY','local_name' => 'Malaysia'),
array('id' => '158','iso' => 'MZ','local_name' => 'Mozambique'),
array('id' => '159','iso' => 'NA','local_name' => 'Namibia'),
array('id' => '160','iso' => 'NC','local_name' => 'New Caledonia'),
array('id' => '161','iso' => 'NE','local_name' => 'Niger'),
array('id' => '162','iso' => 'NF','local_name' => 'Norfolk Island'),
array('id' => '163','iso' => 'NG','local_name' => 'Nigeria'),
array('id' => '164','iso' => 'NI','local_name' => 'Nicaragua'),
array('id' => '165','iso' => 'NL','local_name' => 'Netherlands'),
array('id' => '166','iso' => 'NO','local_name' => 'Norway'),
array('id' => '167','iso' => 'NP','local_name' => 'Nepal'),
array('id' => '168','iso' => 'NR','local_name' => 'Nauru'),
array('id' => '169','iso' => 'NU','local_name' => 'Niue'),
array('id' => '170','iso' => 'NZ','local_name' => 'New Zealand'),
array('id' => '171','iso' => 'OM','local_name' => 'Oman'),
array('id' => '172','iso' => 'PA','local_name' => 'Panama'),
array('id' => '173','iso' => 'PE','local_name' => 'Peru'),
array('id' => '174','iso' => 'PF','local_name' => 'French Polynesia'),
array('id' => '175','iso' => 'PG','local_name' => 'Papua New Guinea'),
array('id' => '176','iso' => 'PH','local_name' => 'Philippines'),
array('id' => '177','iso' => 'PK','local_name' => 'Pakistan'),
array('id' => '178','iso' => 'PL','local_name' => 'Poland'),
array('id' => '179','iso' => 'PM','local_name' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon'),
array('id' => '180','iso' => 'PN','local_name' => 'Pitcairn'),
array('id' => '181','iso' => 'PR','local_name' => 'Puerto Rico'),
array('id' => '182','iso' => 'PS','local_name' => 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied'),
array('id' => '183','iso' => 'PT','local_name' => 'Portugal'),
array('id' => '184','iso' => 'PW','local_name' => 'Palau'),
array('id' => '185','iso' => 'PY','local_name' => 'Paraguay'),
array('id' => '186','iso' => 'QA','local_name' => 'Qatar'),
array('id' => '188','iso' => 'RO','local_name' => 'Romania'),
array('id' => '189','iso' => 'RS','local_name' => 'Serbia'),
array('id' => '190','iso' => 'RU','local_name' => 'Russian Federation'),
array('id' => '191','iso' => 'RW','local_name' => 'Rwanda'),
array('id' => '192','iso' => 'SA','local_name' => 'Saudi Arabia'),
array('id' => '193','iso' => 'SB','local_name' => 'Solomon Islands'),
array('id' => '194','iso' => 'SC','local_name' => 'Seychelles'),
array('id' => '195','iso' => 'SD','local_name' => 'Sudan'),
array('id' => '196','iso' => 'SE','local_name' => 'Sweden'),
array('id' => '197','iso' => 'SG','local_name' => 'Singapore'),
array('id' => '198','iso' => 'SH','local_name' => 'Saint Helena'),
array('id' => '199','iso' => 'SI','local_name' => 'Slovenia'),
array('id' => '200','iso' => 'SJ','local_name' => 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen'),
array('id' => '201','iso' => 'SK','local_name' => 'Slovakia'),
array('id' => '202','iso' => 'SL','local_name' => 'Sierra Leone'),
array('id' => '203','iso' => 'SM','local_name' => 'San Marino'),
array('id' => '204','iso' => 'SN','local_name' => 'Senegal'),
array('id' => '205','iso' => 'SO','local_name' => 'Somalia'),
array('id' => '206','iso' => 'SR','local_name' => 'Suriname'),
array('id' => '207','iso' => 'ST','local_name' => 'Sao Tome and Principe'),
array('id' => '208','iso' => 'SV','local_name' => 'El Salvador'),
array('id' => '209','iso' => 'SY','local_name' => 'Syrian Arab Republic'),
array('id' => '210','iso' => 'SZ','local_name' => 'Swaziland'),
array('id' => '211','iso' => 'TC','local_name' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands'),
array('id' => '212','iso' => 'TD','local_name' => 'Chad'),
array('id' => '213','iso' => 'TF','local_name' => 'French Southern Territories'),
array('id' => '214','iso' => 'TG','local_name' => 'Togo'),
array('id' => '215','iso' => 'TH','local_name' => 'Thailand'),
array('id' => '216','iso' => 'TJ','local_name' => 'Tajikistan'),
array('id' => '217','iso' => 'TK','local_name' => 'Tokelau'),
array('id' => '218','iso' => 'TL','local_name' => 'Timor-Leste'),
array('id' => '219','iso' => 'TM','local_name' => 'Turkmenistan'),
array('id' => '220','iso' => 'TN','local_name' => 'Tunisia'),
array('id' => '221','iso' => 'TO','local_name' => 'Tonga'),
array('id' => '222','iso' => 'TR','local_name' => 'Turkey'),
array('id' => '223','iso' => 'TT','local_name' => 'Trinidad and Tobago'),
array('id' => '224','iso' => 'TV','local_name' => 'Tuvalu'),
array('id' => '225','iso' => 'TW','local_name' => 'Taiwan'),
array('id' => '226','iso' => 'TZ','local_name' => 'Tanzania, United Republic of'),
array('id' => '227','iso' => 'UA','local_name' => 'Ukraine'),
array('id' => '228','iso' => 'UG','local_name' => 'Uganda'),
array('id' => '229','iso' => 'UM','local_name' => 'United States Minor Outlying Islands'),
array('id' => '230','iso' => 'US','local_name' => 'United States'),
array('id' => '231','iso' => 'UY','local_name' => 'Uruguay'),
array('id' => '232','iso' => 'UZ','local_name' => 'Uzbekistan'),
array('id' => '233','iso' => 'VA','local_name' => 'Holy See (Vatican City State)'),
array('id' => '234','iso' => 'VC','local_name' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines'),
array('id' => '235','iso' => 'VE','local_name' => 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of'),
array('id' => '236','iso' => 'VG','local_name' => 'Virgin Islands, British'),
array('id' => '237','iso' => 'VI','local_name' => 'Virgin Islands, U.S.'),
array('id' => '238','iso' => 'VN','local_name' => 'Viet Nam'),
array('id' => '239','iso' => 'VU','local_name' => 'Vanuatu'),
array('id' => '240','iso' => 'WF','local_name' => 'Wallis and Futuna'),
array('id' => '241','iso' => 'WS','local_name' => 'Samoa'),
array('id' => '242','iso' => 'YE','local_name' => 'Yemen'),
array('id' => '243','iso' => 'YT','local_name' => 'Mayotte'),
array('id' => '244','iso' => 'ZA','local_name' => 'South Africa'),
array('id' => '245','iso' => 'ZM','local_name' => 'Zambia'),
array('id' => '246','iso' => 'ZW','local_name' => 'Zimbabwe')
if(isset($_GET['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] == 'yes') {
$filter = [];
foreach($array as $single){
if(strpos($single['local_name'], $_GET['q']) !== false)
$filter[] = array('id' => $single['iso'], 'text' => $single['local_name']);
echo json_encode($filter);
elseif(isset($_GET['filterDB']) && $_GET['filterDB'] == 'yes') {
define ('DB_USER', "root");
define ('DB_PASSWORD', "");
define ('DB_DATABASE', "select2");
define ('DB_HOST', "localhost");
$mysqli = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE);
$sql = "SELECT countries.id, countries.local_name FROM countries WHERE local_name LIKE '%".$_GET['q']."%' LIMIT 10";
$result = $mysqli->query($sql);
$json = [];
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$json[] = ['id'=>$row['id'], 'text'=>$row['local_name']];
echo json_encode($json);
Example 4:
include 'DBController.php';
$db_handle = new DBController();
$countryResult = $db_handle->runQuery("SELECT DISTINCT Country FROM tbl_user ORDER BY Country ASC");
<link href="style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<title>Multiselect Dropdown Filter</title>
<h2>Multiselect Dropdown Filter</h2>
<form method="POST" name="search" action="index.php">
<div id="demo-grid">
<div class="search-box">
<select id="Place" name="country[]" multiple="multiple">
<option value="0" selected="selected">Select Country</option>
if (! empty($countryResult)) {
foreach ($countryResult as $key => $value) {
echo '<option value="' . $countryResult[$key]['Country'] . '">' . $countryResult[$key]['Country'] . '</option>';
</select><br> <br>
<button id="Filter">Search</button>
if (! empty($_POST['country'])) {
<table cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1">
$query = "SELECT * from tbl_user";
$i = 0;
$selectedOptionCount = count($_POST['country']);
$selectedOption = "";
while ($i < $selectedOptionCount) {
$selectedOption = $selectedOption . "'" . $_POST['country'][$i] . "'";
if ($i < $selectedOptionCount - 1) {
$selectedOption = $selectedOption . ", ";
$i ++;
$query = $query . " WHERE country in (" . $selectedOption . ")";
$result = $db_handle->runQuery($query);
if (! empty($result)) {
foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
<div class="col" id="user_data_1">
<?php echo $result[$key]['Name']; ?>
<div class="col" id="user_data_2">
<?php echo $result[$key]['Gender']; ?>
<div class="col" id="user_data_3">
<?php echo $result[$key]['Country']; ?>
class DBController {
private $host = "localhost";
private $user = "root";
private $password = "";
private $database = "phpsamples";
private $conn;
function __construct() {
$this->conn = $this->connectDB();
function connectDB() {
$conn = mysqli_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->password, $this->database);
return $conn;
function runQuery($query) {
$result = mysqli_query($this->conn, $query);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$resultset[] = $row;
if (!empty($resultset)) {
return $resultset;
body {
width: 610px;
#demo-grid {
margin-bottom: 30px;
#demo-grid .txt-heading {
background-color: #D3F5B8;
#demo-grid table {
width: 100%;
background-color: #F0F0F0;
#demo-grid table th {
text-align: left;
#demo-grid table td {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
.search-box {
border: 1px solid #F0F0F0;
background-color: #C8EEFD;
margin: 10px 0px;
button#Filter {
padding: 5px 30px;
background: #586e75;
border: #485c61 1px solid;
color: #FFF;
border-radius: 2px;
cursor: pointer;
margin-left: 20px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
select#Place {
margin-left: 20px;
margin-top: 12px;
padding-bottom: 25px;