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If you want to create a blog using MongoDB and PHP, this article will teach you to:
Connect to a MongoDB database
Save documents in a collection
Query documents in a collection
Perform range queries
Sort documents, update a document, delete one or more documents from a collection
The reason I chose to build a blog application is because it is a basic CRUD application and it is very suitable for easing into PHP and MongoDB web development. We will build a plain user interface using Bootstrap with simple textboxes and buttons. A MongoDB database will store all the content. You can download full source from github, see a demo frontend here and try the demo app’s backend with the user name and password being duythien.
According to the official website MongoDB is a document database that provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. MongoDB falls into the group of documents-oriented NoSQL databases. For other subtypes of NoSQL databases, see here.
Database: MongoDB groups data into databases in the very same way as most relational databases do. If you have any experience with relational databases, you should think of these the same way. In an RDBMS, a database is a set of tables, stored procedures, views, and so on. In MongoDB, a database is a set of collections. A MongoDB database contains one or more collections. For example, a database for a blogging application named blog may typically have the collections articles, authors, comments, categories, and so on.
Collection: A collection is the equivalent of an RDBMS table. A collection exists within a single database. Collections do not enforce a schema. Documents within a collection can have different fields. Typically, all documents in a collection have a similar or related purpose.
Documents: A record in a MongoDB collection and the basic unit of data in MongoDB. Documents are analogous to JSON objects but exist in the database in a more type-rich format known as BSON. A document contains a set of fields or key-value pairs. The best way to think of a document is as a multidimensional array. In an array, you have a set of keys that map to values (Document == Array). See Documents.
MongoDB runs on most platforms and supports 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. MongoDB is available as a binary, or as a package. In production environments, use 64-bit MongoDB binaries. This section will cover installation on Ubuntu Linux and Windows. For other operating systems, please see their documentation.
This is how Mongo is installed on Ubuntu Linux. Open terminal and execute the following:
Now issue the following command to update your repository and install the latest stable version of MongoDB:
Done, you have successfully installed MongoDB. Now start and stop service MongoDB via command line below.
In case of start error to try run the following command:
The following describes how to install it on Windows:
Head on over to the downloads page on the MongoDB official website. Click on the download link for the latest stable release under Windows.
After the download is finished, extract and move it into C:\
. MongoDB requires a data folder in which to store its files. The default location for the MongoDB data directory is C:\data\db. If it doesn’t exist, create it.Report Advertisement
To start MongoDB, execute from the Command Prompt
Done, you have successfully installed MongoDB. Now start and stop service MongoDB via command line below.
The MongoDB server is built to already work with your current web server, but not PHP. To make PHP talk to the MongoDB server, we are going to need the PHP-MongoDB driver. It is a PHP extension library.
If you use Linux install it easily via:
Add the line
to your php.ini configuration and you’re good to go:
Restart your web server and verify via command line:
Let us try installing the driver on a Windows machine running PHP 5.4 on Apache (XAMPP):
Download the ZIP archive on your machine and extract it.
Copy the php_mongo.dll file from the extracted folder to the PHP extension directory(C:\xampp\php\ext).
Open the php.ini file inside your PHP installation and add the following line: extension=php_mongo.dll
Save the file and close it. Restart the XAMP.
Open up your text editor and add the following code to a new file:<?php phpinfo();?>
, save the file as phpinfo.php inside the DocumentRoot of the Apache web server (htdocs) and open the PHP script in the browser. If you see mongo in the PHP info, the installation was successful.
Connecting to MongoDB from PHP is very similar to connecting to any other database. The default host is localhost, and the default port is 27017.
Connecting to a remote host with optional custom port and auth:
Once the database server connection is established, we will use it to access a database. The defined way to do this is:
MongoDB provides rich semantics for reading and manipulating data. CRUD stands for create, read, update, and delete. These terms are the foundation for all interactions with the database.
Creating/Selecting a Collection
Selecting and creating a collection is very similar to accessing and creating a database. If a collection does not exist, it is created:
For example, this creates the collection “posts” in my blog:Report Advertisement
Creating a Document
Creating a document in MongoDB could not be easier. Create an array. Pass it into the insert method on the collection object
The insert()
method stores the data in the collection. The $post
array automatically receives a field named _id
, which is the autogenerated unique ObjectId of the inserted BSON document. You could also use the save()
method, which upserts – updates an existing record, or creates a new one if it doesn’t exist.
Reading a Document
To get data from a collection, I use the find()
method, which gets all the data in a collection. findOne()
returns only one document that satisfies the specified query criteria. The following examples will show you how to query one or more records.
Updating a Document
Modifies an existing document or documents in a collection. By default, the update()
method updates a single document. If the multi option is set to true, the method updates all documents that match the query criteria.
The update() method takes two parameters. The first is criteria to describe the objects to update and the second the object with which to update the matching records. There is also a third optional parameter whereby you can pass in an array of options.
The structure of the project we’ll be building:
Before we start with our actual PHP code we need to create our files and folders like above.
This is your configuration file that tells our app how to connect to the database. This is where you have defined the database name, username and password of the user to access that database:
where we define paramaters UserAuth and PasswordAuth to protect the admin folder via HTTP authentication. We’re using HTTP auth for simplicity here, seeing as the central theme of the article is connecting to MongoDB – you would usually use some sort of decent framework with ACL to build in access control.
This is the folder that contains the CRUD code.
For the full file index.php see here. Above I used the view function in the class layout.php
which will automatically load dashboard.view.php
The GET parameter status
corresponds to a CRUD action. For example, when status is “create”:Report Advertisement
Function view(‘admin/create’, $data)
shows an HTML form where the user can write the title/content of a new blog post, or it saves the user-submitted data to MongoDB. By default the script displays the following HTML form:
Next let’s look at db.php
, which can be found in full here
The MongoDB cursor makes pagination easy. These cursor methods can be chained off of the cursor object that find returns and each other. Combining limit with skip makes pagination easy. These can also be combined with order. For example.
: template files can be found in the view folder; such as index.view.php
. Here is an example of index.php
Open your browser and navigate to
. It lists all the current articles in the blog:
: When you view a single post page (click Read more on a post), you are looking at single.view.php
in the views folder. Here is the logic of single.php
This file receives the _id
of the article as an HTTP GET parameter. We invoke the findOne()
method on the articles collection, sending the _id
value as a parameter to the method. The findOne()
method is used to retrieve a single document. See function getById()
in file db.php
Enter an arbitrary Name and Email in the input boxes under the comments section, put some text in the textarea as well. Then click on the Save button and the page will reload with the comment you just posted. This is what comment.php
looks like:
Comments for an article are stored in an array field of the document name comments
. Each element of a comment is an embedded document that contains several fields.
In this article, we covered a basic CRUD introduction into PhP with MongoDB. We’ve even created a sort of very primitive MVC in the process (see full app on Github). It’s up to you to use a proper framework, implement authentication beyond the simple HTTP auth used here, and add more functionality, but the basics are in place and you can hack away at this demo application to your heart’s content.
For more information on MongoDB check out the online documentation. Did you enjoy this article? Let us know your thoughts!