Copy CREATE TABLE microphone ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, brand text NOT NULL, model text NOT NULL, price integer NOT NULL, imageUrl text NOT NULL );
Copy INSERT INTO microphone(brand,model,price,imageUrl) VALUES( 'Bran 1' , 'Model 1' , 100 , '1.png' );
INSERT INTO microphone(brand,model,price,imageUrl) VALUES( 'Bran 2' , 'Model 2' , 100 , '2.png' );
INSERT INTO microphone(brand,model,price,imageUrl) VALUES( 'Bran 3' , 'Model 3' , 100 , '3.png' );
INSERT INTO microphone(brand,model,price,imageUrl) VALUES( 'Bran 4' , 'Model 4' , 100 , '4.png' );
INSERT INTO microphone(brand,model,price,imageUrl) VALUES( 'Bran 5' , 'Model 5' , 100 , '5.png' );
INSERT INTO microphone(brand,model,price,imageUrl) VALUES( 'Bran 6' , 'Model 6' , 100 , '6.png' );
INSERT INTO microphone(brand,model,price,imageUrl) VALUES( 'Bran 7' , 'Model 7' , 100 , '7.png' );
INSERT INTO microphone(brand,model,price,imageUrl) VALUES( 'Bran 8' , 'Model 8' , 100 , '8.png' );
INSERT INTO microphone(brand,model,price,imageUrl) VALUES( 'Bran 9' , 'Model 9' , 100 , '9.png' );
INSERT INTO microphone(brand,model,price,imageUrl) VALUES( 'Bran 10' , 'Model 10' , 100 , '10.png' );
Hoặc có thể downlaod tool tại đây.
1. Sử dụng getStaticProps hiển thị mảng danh sách ra trang chủ
Copy import {GetStaticProps} from "next";
import {Microphone} from '../model/Microphone';
import openDB from '../openDB';
export interface IndexProps {
microphones: Microphone[]
export default function Index({microphones}: IndexProps) {
return (
<pre>{JSON.stringify(microphones, null,2)}</pre>
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ctx => {
const db = await openDB();
const microphones = await db.all('select * from microphone');
return {props: {microphones}}
Copy import {GetStaticProps} from "next" ;
import {Microphone} from './model/Microphone' ;
import openDB from '../pages/openDB' ;
export interface IndexProps {
microphones : Microphone []
export default function Index ({microphones} : IndexProps ) {
return (
< pre >{JSON.stringify(microphones , null , 2 )} </ pre >
export const getStaticProps : GetStaticProps = async ctx => {
const db = await openDB ();
const microphones = await db .all ( 'select * from microphone' );
return {props : {microphones}}
Copy export interface Microphone {
id: number;
brand: string;
model: string;
price: number;
imageUrl: string;
Copy import { open } from 'sqlite'
import sqlite3 from 'sqlite3'
// you would have to import / invoke this in another file
export default async function openDB () {
return open({
filename: './microphones.sqlite',
driver: sqlite3.Database
Copy import { open } from 'sqlite'
import sqlite3 from 'sqlite3'
// you would have to import / invoke this in another file
export default async function openDB () {
return open ({
filename : './pages/data/microphones.sqlite' ,
driver : sqlite3 .Database
2. Sử dụng GetStaticPaths hiển thị chi tiết từng sản phẩm
Copy import { GetStaticPaths, GetStaticProps } from 'next';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { Microphone } from '../../../model/Microphone';
import openDB from '../../openDB';
export type MicrophoneDetailProps = Microphone;
export default function MicrophoneDetail({id, brand, model, price, imageUrl}: MicrophoneDetailProps) {
const router = useRouter();
if (router.isFallback) {
return <div>Loading......I'm sorry for the wait!!</div>;
return (
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps<MicrophoneDetailProps> = async ( ctx ) => {
const id = as string;
const db = await openDB();
const microphone = await db.get('select * from microphone where id = ?', + id);
return { props: microphone };
export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths<{ id: string }> = async () => {
const db = await openDB();
const microphones = await db.all('select * from microphone');
const paths = => {
return { params: { id: } };
return {
fallback: false,
Copy import { GetStaticPaths , GetStaticProps } from 'next' ;
import { useRouter } from 'next/router' ;
import { Microphone } from '../model/Microphone' ;
import openDB from '../../pages/openDB' ;
export type MicrophoneDetailProps = Microphone ;
export default function MicrophoneDetail ({id , brand , model , price , imageUrl} : MicrophoneDetailProps ) {
const router = useRouter ();
if ( router .isFallback) {
return < div >Loading......I'm sorry for the wait!!</ div >;
return (
< div className = "p-3 w-screen" >
< div className = 'text-blue-600/100' >{id}</ div >
< div className = 'text-blue-600/75' >{brand}</ div >
< div className = 'text-blue-600/50' >{model}</ div >
< div className = 'text-blue-600/25' >{price}</ div >
< div >{imageUrl}</ div >
</ div >
export const getStaticProps : GetStaticProps < MicrophoneDetailProps > = async ( ctx : any ) => {
const id = ctx . params .id as string ;
const db = await openDB ();
const microphone = await db .get ( 'select * from microphone where id = ?' , + id);
return { props : microphone };
export const getStaticPaths : GetStaticPaths <{ id : string }> = async () => {
const db = await openDB ();
const microphones = await db .all ( 'select * from microphone' );
const paths = microphones .map ((a) => {
return { params : { id : a . id .toString () } };
return {
fallback : false ,
paths ,